For fledging albatross, that's not as simple as you'd think. The problem is the island's runway is a bit short, especially for a bird with one of the world's longest wingspans. The maiden flight often ends in a wet landing. And that's why the sharks are here. With their highly acute senses, they're onto the chicks within a few moments of touchdown. During two weeks of fledging, over 100 albatross chicks make the same fatal error and the sharks take full advantage. In an ocean where food can be surprisingly scarce, this annual feast is something these sharks depend on. The size of many South Pacific islands means that food is often limited. 对于信天翁雏鸟来说 这不是你想像的那么简单。问题是岛的跑道有点短,尤其是对世上翅膀最长的鸟来说,处女航常以一身湿的着地为结束。为什么鲨鱼会在这?因为它们有高灵敏的感官,它们能片刻就发现着陆的雏鸟。在两星期的雏鸟期内,超过100只信天翁幼雏会犯同一致命错误,而鲨鱼会完全利用这一点。在海洋里食物令人惊讶的匮乏,每年一次的盛宴是这些鲨鱼的依靠。许多南太平洋岛屿的规模意味着食物往往有限的。