The smaller and more isolated they are, the harder it is to survive. And in this ocean of islands, there's one tiny island that stands out. It's home to perhaps the most remote community of people on the planet, with a truly inspiring story. These men are from the island of Anuta. This fishing technique is unique to their island and essential when the weather is too rough for their boats. Octopus tentacles are used as bait. And it's very effective. Once a shoal has been found, dozens of fish can be caught in this way. The struggling fish are killed with a quick bite to the head. Anutans have more fishing techniques than almost anywhere else in the Pacific - a vital skill given the size of their island. And this is it. 更小更孤立的它们,要生存是艰难的。在这片岛屿海洋中有一座微小岛屿耸立在那,这或许是地球上最偏僻的人类社会的家园,有着真正让人兴奋的故事。这些人来自恩浮塔岛,这种捕鱼技术是他们岛独有的,尤其天气太糟不能出船时,这种技术显得更为重要。章鱼触手常用来作鱼饵,它非常有效,一旦找到鱼群,用这种方法能捉到许多鱼,挣扎的鱼由于很快被咬住头而死去。恩浮塔岛有许多捕鱼技术在太平洋其它地方是没有的,考虑到他们岛的规模 这是很重要的技能。这就是恩浮塔岛。