The men have a plan for whichever direction the wind takes them. They know the location of every one of their reefs, lining up landmarks on the island to gauge their exact position. It makes fishing trips very productive. Anuta's isolation has shaped their society. Too far away to trade with other islands, they have a strong community spirit. Everything is shared and all work together for the common good. It's the secret of their success. Anuta has one of the highest population densities on Earth - equal to that of Bangladesh - yet on their tiny speck of land, these people have always lived completely within their resources. 无论风朝哪个方向人们都能掌控,他们知道每个暗礁的位置,呈直线的岛像界标似的估量出他们的确切位置,捕鱼航行是非常有效的。孤立的恩浮塔塑形了他们的社会,和其它岛贸易太远了。他们有强大的团体精神,为了共同的利益,任何东西都是共用的 工作都是一起做,这是他们成功的秘密。恩浮塔是地球上人口最密集的地方之一,超过孟加拉国。然而在这块弹丸之地,这里的人仅凭自然资源就能生存。