It's a remarkable achievement, and not one that is shared by all who have made a home in the South Pacific. Lost in the vastness of this ocean is an island with a legendary tale of over-exploitation. This was once the most inaccessible island in the world. When the first people arrived here 1,000 years ago, Easter Island was a paradise thought to be richer in wildlife than even the Galapagos. Back then, its hills were cloaked with a forest of giant palms. It was also home to one of the largest seabird colonies in the South Pacific. Initially, life must have been easy for the Easter Islanders, the Rapa Nui. And with time on their hands, they set to work carving huge stone statues known as moai. 这是骄人的成就。谁要在南太平洋安家,一切都要分享而不是一个人的,迷失在汪洋大海中,是讲述一个岛过度开发的传奇故事。复活节岛,这里曾是世上最难以接近的岛屿,一千年前人类首次踏足这里。复活节岛曾是个天堂,岛上的野生动物甚至比加拉帕戈斯群岛还要丰富。那时的山冈被巨大的棕榈林覆盖着,也是南太平洋最大的海鸟栖息地。最初的生活对于复活节岛民来说,肯定是轻松的。时间任他们支配,他们开始雕刻被称为"摩埃"的巨大石像。