And it's not just love that's in the air. At these southerly latitudes, ocean winds bring rain six-and-a-half days out of seven. And when it doesn't rain,it snows. It couldn't be more different from the cliched image of a South Pacific island. But surprisingly, what makes Macquarie so rich in wildlife also benefits other islands in the tropical South Pacific, thousands of miles away. Macquarie's penguins and seals depend on a cold, nutrient-rich current and that doesn't stop here. Powered by the strongest winds in the world, the current continues east until it hits the tip of South America, where it's driven northwards. Over 8,000 miles later, the cold current reaches the equator and a remote archipelago.The water has warmed up on the journey north, but it's still cold and nutrient rich. This has allowed some animals to live here which you wouldn't normally find this close to the equator. 空气里不仅仅有爱意。在南方纬度地区,海风带来一星期六天半的降雨。不下雨时,就是下雪。它与南太平洋群岛一成不变的形象没有更多的不同,但惊奇的是什么使得麦加利岛的野生动物如此丰富。数千哩外, 炎热的南太平洋中的其它岛屿同样得益。麦加利岛的企鹅和海豹依赖的是寒冷而又养分丰富且不在这里停留的洋流,受到世上最强气流的推动,洋流不停地往东直到在南美角遇阻改道往北,经过8000哩后,寒冷的洋流抵达赤道及一个偏远的群岛...在往北的旅程中海水变暖些,但仍寒冷且养分丰富。这样就让某些动物能生活在这里,而一般却不会在接近赤道的其他地方发现。