And now the South Koreans say they have evidence of what amounts to an act of war. Following an investigation conducted with the help of American, British, Australian and Swedish military experts, the authorities in Seoul say it's clear that a North Korean torpedo sank the South Korean warship Cheon… 韩国称他们拥有相当于“战争性攻击行为”的证据。在美国、英国、澳大利亚、瑞典军事专家的帮助下进行的一项调查显示,首尔官方称有明显的证据显示在三月份韩国海军的“天安”号警戒舰是遭受朝鲜小型潜水艇发射的鱼雷攻击而沉没的,造成46名韩国船员身亡。BBC驻首尔记者约翰萨德沃思发来的报道。 韩国方面公布了一份七页的报…