Police in Italy say they've broken up a mafia drugs ring which used a convent as a front for smuggling millions of dollars worth of cocaine. More than 30 people have been arrested and accused of bringing drugs into the country right under the noses of the convent's resident Roman Catholic nuns. Jack… 意大利警方宣称他们捣毁了一个黑手党贩毒集团。该团伙以一个修道院为掩护,在院中天主教修女的眼皮底下竟然走私了价值数百万美元的可卡因。杰克萨特带来更多消息。 这座位于米兰城中心的修道院成为了该贩毒集团犯罪的完美掩护,警方都称这是一次很聪明的密谋。修道院中虔诚的修女在不知情的情况下为他们这个与非洲和南美都…