The attempt to arrest one man has brought chaos and violence to the Jamaican capital, Kingston. The US wants Christopher Coke extradited to stand trial on drug trafficking charges. The country's Prime Minister Bruce Golding promised a strong and decisive action to bring calm back to the capital. But… 在牙买加首都金斯敦针对一名男子的逮捕引起了骚乱和暴力活动。美国想要就毒品走私罪引渡克里斯多夫•库克受审。该国总理布鲁斯•戈登承诺将采取坚决和强硬的行动让首都恢复平静。但是警方旨在突袭被指控的毒枭的大本营的行动以一场枪战告终。两天里,有两名警官在暴力事件中遇害。牙买加群众联系了BBC的《世界让你说》,让我…