I'm a little bit concerned about something. "I'm a little bit concerned." doesn't that mean something bad? Yes, Anna, Paul is using a polite term of phrase to say he is unhappy about something. Let's see what he's got to say. I think you need to work on your telephone manner. Work on my telephone manner? It means the way you talk on the phone is not good enough and you have to improve it, to work on it to make it better. Perhaps you should think about. Perhaps you should think about. That's a polite way of telling you to do something. Anna, are you listening to me? Yes, sorry, I was just sort of, err, talking to myself. Could you repeat what you said please? Right, I'll start again. I said, I'm a little bit concerned about your telephone manner. You need to work on the way you speak to clients. Perhaps you should think about being a bit more polite to clients. It's important for the image of the company. Oh okay. You can go now, take another biscuit with you. That's my last chocolate wafer, you lucky thing. 我有一些事情担心。 “我有点担心”的意思不是说有一些事情很糟糕吗? 是的,Anna,Paul正在用礼貌的短语表示他有一些事情不高兴。让我们来听听看他是怎么说的。 我觉得你要学点电话礼仪。 我的电话礼仪? 意思是你讲电话的方式不是特别好,你需要提高,使你的讲电话方式更好。 或者你可以考虑一下。 或者你可以考虑一下是一个告诉你去做某事比较礼貌的说法。 Anna,你在听我说话吗? 对不起,我在想...想自己的事情。您能够重复一下你刚刚说什么吗? 好的,我再说一遍。我说,我有一点担心你的电话礼仪。你需要学习一下对顾客说话的方式,你可能需要对你的客户更加礼貌一些。这是公司很重要的形象。 好的。 你现在可以离开了,带上另外一份饼干吧。这是我最后一份巧克力威佛饼干,你这个幸运的娃。