Anna? Is everything all right? Yes. What's the matter? Paul says I need to work on my telephone manner. Well I was a bit concerned about it myself. And I think Tom actually mentioned it to Paul. But, look, I'll help you if you like. I'm a bit of an expert on the phone. I'll give you some lessons. Oh thank you. Come in early tomorrow morning, before the others get here and we'll practise. Thank you Denise, that's very kind. Wow. Denise is actually being nice to Anna. Amazing. Although from what I've heard of Denise on the phone, she's only ever gossiping with friends. Paul was very gentle and polite in the way he explained to Anna there was a problem and that she needed to improve some things. He used these phrases. I'm a little bit concerned about. You need to work on. Perhaps you should think about. Let's see if Denise manages to teach Anna anything useful next time. Anna,事情顺利吗? 是的 发生什么事了? Paul说我需要学习一下电话礼仪。 我有一点点担心我自己,