Hello, welcome back to the offices of Citrus Ventures. Anna's presentation to Mr Lime and his colleagues continues. Well, almost. Her computer has jammed and the presentation, along with her notes, are frozen. Oh no, this is terrible. Anna, you're going to have to manage without the slideshow or notes. Just talk. Just talk. Just talk. You just talk. What on earth am I going to say? My mind is blank. Try to remember the key points you wanted to share, and give them one by one. If you can, give some facts that support each point. For example. Tip Top Trading is growing fast. Our number of clients doubled last year. Use phrases like this. The company has a strong track record of. Let me share with you. The Imperial Lemon's key strengths are. OK. Sorry about that, I'll just have to continue talking without the slideshow. So. 欢迎回来Citrus Ventures的办公室。Anna给Lime先生和他同事的报告依旧继续。她的电脑崩溃了,和她的报告,她的笔记都停止了。 不,这真的很糟糕。 Anna,你要准备应付没有幻灯片和笔记,只是讲。 只是讲,只是讲,你只是讲,我该说什么?我的心很茫然。 尝试记住你要分享的重点,一个一个讲。如果你能,给一些事实支撑每个观点。例如: Tip Top Trading发展得很快。去年我们客户的数量双倍增长。 使用一些短语像: 这个公司的强项是... 让我分享一些给你... 皇家柠檬的强项是... 好的,非常抱歉,我将会继续讲话没有幻灯片,所以...