What an excellent performance from Anna. She focused on some key points, supported them with facts and structured her answer clearly. She also managed to relax and sound more natural. She used these phrases. The company has a strong track record of. Let me share with you. The Imperial Lemon's key strengths are... Let's fast-forward to after the meeting to see if she gets an order. So thank you for your time, I hope you're impressed with our Imperial Lemon. Fantastic Anna, fantastic. Thank you. Those lemons, wow. I'd like to put in an order for 300,000 right away. Of course. Now, what's your direct phone number? Good work. Although, I must say, Mr Lime seems just as excited about Anna as he is about the lemons. Hmm, watch out Anna. Until next time. Anna做得非常棒。她集中在一些重点,用事实来支撑它们,使她答案非常清晰有条理。她尝试放松和听起来更自然。她用这些短语。 这件公司在这方面的强项是... 让我跟你分享... 这款皇家柠檬的优势是... 让我们快速来看看会议后她是怎么得到订单的。 再次感谢,我希望你们对我们的皇家柠檬有深刻的印象。 非常棒Anna,非常棒。 谢谢。 那些柠檬,哇,我要预订300,000个。 当然。 你的号码是? 做得好,虽然,我必须说,相比起那些柠檬,Lime先生似乎对Anna更有兴趣。Anna要小心的,我们下次再见。