Can I give you a hand? My computer has crashed. I've lost my phone. And there's a big, big problem with my timetable. I've got two meetings scheduled at the same time with two extremely important clients. I can't do them both at once. Let me help. Thanks Anna, but these are big, big clients. They need someone of experience. Well, give me a shout if you need anything. I can handle this, alright? "I can handle this" ungrateful idiot. But you used all the right phrases. Anna, well done. Anyway, I bet he'll change his mind. Oooh, I know, and the purple ones are so much more powerful. Anna? Could you help me? Ha. I told you so. They've both arrived at once. Oh god. I'll deal with Mrs Kumquat. Okay. 需要我帮忙吗? 我的电脑死机了。我的电话号码都没了。并且我的时间表出了很大的问题。我需要同时见2个非常重要的客户。我不能同时完成。 让我帮忙吧。 谢谢,安娜,但是这些是非常重要的客户。他们需要一些有经验的人。 好的,如果你有需要的话喊我。 我可以处理这个。 “我可以处理这个,多不领情的傻瓜。但是你使用了很正确的短句。安娜,做的好。不管怎样,我敢打赌他将会改变他的想法。 哦,我知道了,并且紫色的那个非常大。 安娜,你可以帮助我吗? 哈,我已经告诉过你,他会要你帮助了。 他们都立刻来了。哦,天啦,我先去会见 Kumquat夫人。 好的。