Hi Denise. Good morning Anna. Brrr, it's so cold in here. The window was left open overnight. My papers have been blown everywhere. Mine too. Tom was the last one here last night. It must've been him who left the window open. Brrr. Right then, to work. Oh, there's a note from Paul, it must've fallen off my desk, 'I would like your ideas on our stock management system for our new laser-curved fruit range, so we know we can keep up with demand. Please write me a couple of pages of suggestions and leave it on my desk. I'll be back this afternoon." Wow. I have to come up with ideas for a stock management system. Gosh, where do I begin?! Good morning. Morning. Hey, my certificate for Plastic Pear Salesman of the year is on the floor. Right stock management systems, stock-up on your laser-curved lemons. My first idea is to calculate the… 你好,Denise。 早上好,Anna。 哇,这里好冷啊。 窗户整夜都没有关。 我的文件纸被吹的到处都是。 我的也是。Tom是昨晚最后一个离开的,一定是他留着窗没关。 哇,好吧,开始工作。噢,这里有一封Paul留下的字条。它一定是从我桌上吹下来的。“我很喜欢你的关于我们新的激光射线版水果系列的存货管理系统的建议,这样一来我们就可以知道我们是否可以跟上客户需求了。请给我写几页纸的建议然后放在我的桌上。我下午就会回来。” 哇,我要想出一些关于存货管理系统的建议。天啊,我该从哪里开始? 早上好。 早上好。 嘿,我今年的塑料雪梨销售员证书掉在地上了。 好的,存货管理系统,保存我们的激光射线型柠檬。我的第一个主意是计算。。。