Did you take that note from my desk? No, no. I suppose you threw my pear salesman certificate on the floor at the same time too. I didn't. Let me explain. The wind must have blown the note for Tom under my desk. Tom left the window open overnight. Our papers were blown all over the place. I see, well, golly gosh. In that case, well done, Anna. Excellent work, even though you weren't meant to do it. And Tom, your ideas are still welcome of course. Thanks. Sorry Tom. What? Oh, I'm not bothered. I've still got some great ideas in my head anyway. Yeah, right. Let's leave Tom to get on with his "great ideas" and listen again to those phrases Anna used to explain the misunderstanding. I think there's been a misunderstanding. There's been a bit of a mix-up. Let me explain what happened. Well, the mix-up gave Anna a chance to shine, Paul certainly seemed impressed with her work. Maybe it will bring her new opportunities. Until next time, bye. 是你拿了放在我桌上的字条吗? 不,不是。 我认为你同时还把我的雪梨销售证书扔在了地上。 我没有。让我解释一下。一定是风把给Tom的字条吹到地上的。 Tom昨晚没有关窗。我们的纸都被吹的到处都是。 我知道了。那么,老天呀。在这种情况下,做得好Anna。做得好。虽然你本没有必要做这个。还有Tom,你的主意还是依旧可以给我的。谢谢。 对不起,Tom。 什么?哦,对我没什么困扰。无论怎样我还是有一些非常好的主意在我的脑子里的。 好吧,留着Tom和他的好主意好好相处吧。接下来听一下Anna用来解释误会的词组。 我认为这里有一些误解。 这里有一些混乱。 让我解释一下发生了什么。 好了,这次混乱给了Anna一次表现的机会。Paul很明显对她的工作有很深的印象。也许这会给她带来新的机会。下次再见,bye~