Anna. Mr Lime. How lovely to see you. You look absolutely. Well, I've been looking forward to this for days. Everyone is waiting in the meeting room. Come this way. Oh gosh. Now everyone in Citrus Ventures is very excited about this new Imperial Lemon, so I allowed a few extras to come and watch, I hope you don't mind. All your equipment has been set up so you can begin. Hello, I'm Anna of Top Tip Trading. I mean, Tip Top Trading, sorry. I'm very unhappy to be here. Anna focus. I mean, I'm very happy to be here. Anna, breathe deeply, then say, today I'm going to. Anna。 Lime先生。 非常高兴又见到你。你看上去真的。这些天我非常期待这次的报告。每个人都在会议室等候着。这边请。 天啊。 现在每个人在Citrus Ventures都对新的皇家柠檬非常兴奋,所以允许一些额外的人过来看,我希望你不会介意。你所有的设备已经准备好了,你可以开始了。 你好,我是Top Tip Trading的Anna,我的意思是Tip Top Trading,对不起,我在这里非常不开心。 Anna,集中精神。 我的意思是,我很高兴在这里。 Anna,深呼吸,然后说,今天我将要说的是。