Today I'm going to. Today I'm going to present our revolutionary, new Imperial Lemon. I'll start by telling you a bit about Tip Top Trading and some of the exciting new developments at our company. And then, I'm going to move on to explain how the Imperial Lemon is designed and what makes it so revolutionary. And finally, you will all have a chance to see it close up for yourselves and ask questions. So, let's begin. This picture shows. Well, as usual, Anna seems to be turning a difficult situation into a success. She used the phrases we discussed, which made her opening clear and well-structured. She said. Today I'm going to. I'll start by. And then I'm going to move on to discuss. And finally. But that's just the beginning, now she's got to get through the rest of the pitch. How will that go? This picture shows. Oh no, why isn't it working? I should just click on this. Oh, what's wrong with this stupid computer? Uh oh. It was all going so well but now Anna's got computer problems. What's she going to do? We'll find out next time. Bye. 今天,我准备...今天我准备介绍我们改革的新皇家柠檬。首先我会告诉你们一些有关我们Tip Top Trading公司和我们公司一些令人兴奋的新的发展。然后,我会解释皇家柠檬是怎么设计的,是什么令皇家柠檬改革。最后,你会有机会近距离看看这个柠檬和提问。让我们现在开始吧,这个图片显示的是。 像往常一样,Anna似乎把一个困难的情境转变成一个成功的情境。她用了一些我们讨论过的短语,这些短语使她思路清晰和结构更加整齐。她说: 今天,我将会说。 我会开始... 接着我讨论... 最后... 但这只是开始,现在她要做完剩下的演讲,接下来会怎么样呢? 这个图片展示的是...不,为什么它不动呢?我应该点这个,噢,这个笨电脑出什么事了? 噢不,事情发展得很顺利,但现在Anna却遇到了电脑的问题。她将会怎么做呢?让我们下次再见。