Hello, you're joining us again after Anna's call from Mr Lime, he asked her to lunch, remember. Now Anna and Denise are flapping. And before you know it, he'll be asking you to marry him. Trust me Anna, this has happened to me dozens of times. But I thought he was only interested in the lemons. Please promise me you won't mention this to anyone. OK, I promise. Oh, shhhh. Good morning, ladies. What's going on? Mr Lime has asked Anna to lunch. Please. And? And it's not to talk business. I saw him looking at her with big eyes, from the moment he first saw her. Denise. Old Slimy Limey eh? Lucky Anna. He's not slimy, it's just. Don't tell me you said yes? Well I didn't know what to say. You didn't? No, no, I said I was busy and would call back. I wanted to just say no, but with everyone complaining that I'm not polite on the phone. I just, I didn't know how to say it politely. Ha ha, alright, well, I'll tell you what to say. Hang on, let me write it down. Why do all the pens keep disappearing? Here's one. Thanks. Okay, I'm listening. 你好,欢迎你再次加入我们,当Anna致电给Mr Lime之后,他邀请她吃午饭,记得吧?现在Anna和Denise正在互相拍打。 在你知道这件事前,他会叫你跟他结婚。相信我Anna,这些已经在我身上发生过几十次了。 但我认为他只是对柠檬有兴趣。答应我,不要向任何人提起这件事。 我保证。 嘘嘘嘘。 早上好,发生什么事了吗? Lime先生请Anna请午餐。 拜托。 然后呢? 不是谈论工作。我看见他从一开始就盯着她的大眼睛看。 Denise。 Limey? 幸运的Anna。 他并不卑劣,只是。 你不会告诉我你答应了吧? 我不知道要说什么。 你不会答应吧? 不是,我说我比较忙碌,会再回电。我想说不,但每个人都抱怨说我在电话里不礼貌,我只是,我只是不知道怎么说比较有礼貌。 哈哈,让我告诉你怎么说吧。 不要挂电话,我写下来。为什么所有的笔都不见了? 这里有一支。 谢谢,好的,我在听。