Okay say go. Go. Away Slimy Limey. Go away Slimy Limey. Are you sure? Yeah, of course. Don't listen to him Anna. This is what you should say. Thank you for your offer. But I'm really sorry, I won't be able to. Then explain why, say I'm afraid blah blah blah. Blah blah blah? Say it's against company policy to have non-business lunches with clients. Meaning? You're not allowed to if it's not for business. Then say, it wouldn't be appropriate. So, with regret, I'm going to have to say no. Okay, I think I've got that all down, thanks. He'll be waiting for my call. 好的,说去 去。 去油嘴滑舌 去油嘴滑舌,你确定? 当然。 不要听他的,Anna,你应该说:谢谢你的邀请。但我真的很抱歉,我不能去。然后解释为什么,说我恐怕什么什么。 什么什么? 说跟客户吃非工作的午餐,是违反公司的政策。 意思是? 如果不是工作,你是不允许去的。然后说这是不太适合的。所以很抱歉,我要拒绝。 好的,我想我已经全部记下来了,谢谢。他正在等我的回复呢。