Hello, Seb Lime speaking. Hello Mr Lime. Anna, please, call me Seb. So, when can I invite you to lunch? Thank you for your offer. Well, thank you for your offer. But I'm really sorry, I won't be able to. Oh? I'm afraid. I'm afraid it's against company policy to have non-business lunches with people. Really? Oh how tedious. It wouldn't be. Shhh. Pardon? No, not shhh you Mr Slimy I meant shhh Denise. Mr Slimy? Oh no, I mean Mr Limey, Lime er Seb. You see, it wouldn't be appropriate. So, with regret, I'm going to have to say no. I think I've understood. Goodbye Anna. Goodbye. Oh dear, he didn't take that too well. But, apart from a little mistake, Anna did well there. Here are the phrases she used to politely refuse the offer of lunch. Thank you for your offer. But I'm really sorry, I won't be able to. I'm afraid it is against company policy. It wouldn't be appropriate. With regret, I'm going to have to say no. 你好,Seb Lime。 你好Lime先生。 Anna,请叫我Seb,所以我什么时候能邀请你吃午饭呢? 谢谢你的邀请。但是我非常抱歉,我不能。 哦? 我恐怕 我恐怕这违反公司的政策,不能和客户有非商业的午餐。 真的吗?这太令人讨厌了。 不会。 嘘嘘嘘。 什么? 不是你Slimy先生,我的意思是...嘘嘘嘘 Denise Slimy先生? 不是,我的意思是Limey先生,Lime er Seb。如你所看到,这不太合适。所以,很抱歉,我不得不拒绝。 我能明白的,再见Anna。 再见。 亲爱的,他不会这么好的。但是,除了一些错误,Anna做得很好。这些短语是她礼貌拒绝午餐用的。 谢谢你的邀请,但我真的很抱歉,我不能。 我恐怕这会违反公司的政策。 这恐怕不太合适。 抱歉,我只能说不。