We're about to unveil a new Imperial Lemon. Really? I can't tell you any more for now, but... Yes. Maybe we could present it to you more formally in a couple of weeks, when it's ready for release? Sounds perfect. You would be the first to see it. Excellent. Thank you, er, Anna, isn't it? Yes. A very pretty name. Thanks. It's spelled the same forwards and backwards. Is it really? Anyway, Mr Lime, we'll fix this grapefruit problem for you, and I promise you, it won't happen again. Good, good. You're new here, aren't you Anna? Yes. Well I look forward to working with you. What a success. Mr Lime has come away a very happy customer. Here are the phrases Anna used while apologising. I'm really sorry to hear that, Mr Lime. That's totally unacceptable. It must have been very inconvenient for you. You have my word that we will sort this out. And we could include some of our latest-edition imitation oranges to make up for the inconvenience. I promise you, it won't happen again. What will Anna's boss Paul have to say about her work today? Join us next week to find out. 我们打算发布一个新型特级柠檬。 真的吗? 我现在不能告诉你太多,但是 是的 当它准备发行的时候,我们可以再2周内正式的向你展示。 听起来很好。 你将会是第一个看见它们的。 非常棒。谢谢你,额,安娜,是吗? 是的。 非常好的名字。 谢谢,它前面字母和后面字母的拼写是一样的。 真的吗? 不管怎样,Lime先生,我们会为你解决柚子方面的问题,同时我承诺你,它不会再一次发生。 好的,好的,你是新来的,是吗,安娜。 是的。 好的,我希望以后能和你合作。 多成功呀。Lime先生离开时,很开心。这是安娜道歉时所使用的短句。 我很抱歉,Lime先生。 那完全不可以接受。 对于你而言,肯定不方便。 我承诺我们会解决这个问题。 并且我们可以为你提供一些最新版本的防着橘子来弥补你的不便。 我承诺,它不会再发生了。 安娜的老板保罗关于她今天的工作,会说些什么呢?下次我们继续讨论。