Anna, are you going to answer that? Er, well, no. It's stopped now anyway. Where Anna is behaving strangely. I gave you a long lesson on how to answer the phone and you're still too scared. It's not that. For goodness sake. Then what? I recognise the number. It's Mr Lime. Ha, old Slimy Limey, he must be absolutely desperate to get you to have lunch with him, Anna, even after your cruel rejection. Here, I'll answer for you. No. I'll answer. Hello, Tip Top Trading, Anna's phone. No, this is Denise speaking, Anna's busy at the moment. Can I take a message? Yes. Right. I'll pass that on to her then. Thank you for calling. Goodbye. Well. Nothing about lunch. He wants each Imperial Lemon you deliver to come in a luxury green box, like the one you had at the presentation. My goodness, we don't have many in stock. I'll have to order some. Um. Anna,你打算去接这个电话吗? 不,无论如何它都会不响的。 Anna的行为非常奇怪。 我给你上了一堂那么长的如何去接电话的课,你现在仍然那么害怕。 不是这样的。 我的天啊。 然后什么? 我认得这个号码,是Lime先生。 原来是他啊,他肯定很绝望因为你不能跟他去吃午餐,Anna, 特别是你残忍拒绝他之后。这样吧,我来帮你接电话。 不用了。 我来接吧。你好,Tip Top Trading, Anna的电话。不,我是Denise,Anna她现在正在忙。要不我写个留言?是的。我稍后会把您的留言给她,谢谢你的来电。再见。 嗯。 不是关于午餐的。他想要你在奢侈绿色箱子里边的那些皇家柠檬,像你在介绍会里的那个。 我的天啊,我们仓库里没有多少存货。我必须去订购一些。