You'd better phone back Mr Lime to confirm he can have his boxes. Oh no. He's your client. Yes Anna, he's your client. I'm scared he'll try and ask about lunch again. Then send him an email. Good idea. Copy in me, Tom and Paul, so it's clear you only mean business. Yes. Thanks Denise. An email is much safer. Is it, Anna, is it? Hmmm. Anyway, here are the phrases Anna used to place her order. I'd like to place an order for. We're going to need. Could you send? Could we also have? When can we expect to receive them? Let's see if Anna's email is really such a good idea. I have a bad feeling about it. Until next time. 你最好能打回电话给Lime先生确认他要他的盒子。 不。 他是你的客户。 是的Anna,他是你的客户。 我很害怕他再次邀请我跟他吃午餐。 给他寄一封电子邮件。 好主意。 复制我的Tom和Paul,这样就很清晰你的意思只是工作。 是的,谢谢你Denise,电子邮件更加安全。 是吧Anna?这些是Anna订购时所使用到的短语。 我想要订购。 我想要。 你能够给我? 我们能够要? 我们什么时候能拿到? 让我们来看看Anna的邮件是不是真的是一个好主意。我有一种不好的语感,下次再见。