And I left out my elephant mug and my lady-curve nail file. They better not have stolen them. But it's premium, premium, faux-orange premium. Anna? It's Anna, she's asleep. Anna. Oh, Lemons. Denise? Tom? Have you spent the night asleep at your desk Anna? Is it morning? Oh dear, yes I think so. Well, at least we haven't been burgled then. Anna, you've really been burning the candle at both ends lately. Yes, you've been doing hours and hours of overtime. Most people get their work done within office hours and anyway, we don't pay overtime here. You'll never find me working late. Yes, I'd noticed that actually Denise. But this presentation must be perfect. If you're not careful, you'll burn out. Then you'll really be of no use to anyone. You'll be as useful as a chocolate teapot. 我留下了我的大象杯子和我的女性指甲文件。他们最好不要把它们偷了。 但它非常优质,优质,假的橙色的奖品。 Anna。 Anna她睡着了。 柠檬。Denise?Tom? 你整晚都在桌子旁边睡吗Anna? 早上了吗?天啊,我认为是。 至少我们没有被偷窃。 Anna,你迟早会累得趴下的。 是的,你已经加班很多个小时了。很多人都在工作时间内把工作做完,不管怎么样,我们都不会在这里加班。你永远不会找到我在这里工作。 是的,我注意到这实际上是Denise。 但这个报告肯定会完美的。 如果你不小心,你会筋疲力竭的。然后你对任何人都没有用了,你就像一个巧克力茶壶那么好用。