It's good that you're putting in the hours Anna, but you should calm down. Look at me, I do very successful presentations without spending hours preparing. Ha. In my presentation to Every Apple I just swooshed in with no preparation after a night on the town. I charmed them. They loved me. Idiot. I bet he actually spent hours preparing he just can't admit it. Well, maybe you're right. I can't think clearly anymore, I'm so tired. I need to sleep properly otherwise I'll end up trying to sell bananas instead of lemons. Anna has finally got the message. She's realised she's been working too much. She needs to be realistic. Here's a reminder of some of the phrases we heard to talk about how much Anna had been working. Burning the candle at both ends. Doing overtime. Putting in the hours. Burning out. Let's hope she's thinking clearly by the time she has to do her presentation. Join us next time to find out. Bye. 你花时间在报告上是件很好的事情Anna,但你应该冷静下来。看看我,我都没有怎么花时间准备报告,就能做个很成功的报告了。 嗯。 在我对Every Apple的报告中,在镇上一晚上之后,我只是转动了一下脑袋,没有什么准备,我对它们施了魔法,它们喜欢我。 傻瓜,我打赌他肯定花了很多时间准备,只是他不承认而已。 或者你是对的。我太累了,我已经完全想不清楚了。我需要适当的睡眠,否则我将会结束销售柠檬而不是香蕉。 Anna最后得到信息。她意识到她工作太久了。她需要现实点。这里是一些短语我们听到说Anna工作了多少。 你很勤快工作。 工作超时。 你花费很多时间在这件事情上。 你会筋疲力竭。 我们希望Anna在做报到之前已经想清楚了,让我们下次再见吧。