But people might think there's something wrong with our lemons and that we're desperate to get rid of them. I see your point, but, if we explain this is just a special offer for special clients, they'll understand. I like that idea. Good, 20% off for all regular clients just for this month. Anna, you'll be making the presentation to Citrus Ventures, so make sure you include that offer. Uh-huh. Yes. Right, next, what photos do we have of the lemons? Finding the right words to disagree in meetings isn't always easy, but Anna managed in the end. She started sentences with this short word to show that she was about to disagree with what had just been said. But. And used these phrases. I'm not so sure about that. I see your point, but actually I think. The next big challenge for Anna will be her presentation to Citrus Ventures. Join us again soon to find out what happens. I've got to do a good job but it's going to take me ages. Ah well, I had better get started otherwise I'm going to be here all night. 但人们会觉得我们的柠檬有问题,我们要不顾一切把它们扔掉。 我知道你说的问题,但是,如果我们解释说这个特别的优惠只是给特别的顾客,他们会明白的。 我喜欢这个想法,不错,这个月20%的折扣给常客。Anna,你将要给Citrus Ventures公司做报告,确定把这个优惠把包括进去。 嗯嗯。 好的。 下一个,这些柠檬我们有些什么照片? 在会议中使用恰当的词组来表示不同意并不总是很容易,但是Anna最后还是做到了。她用很简单的单词来暗示刚刚所讲的内容她不同意。 但是,同时也包括以下的短语。 我不太确定。 我知道你的意思,但是我觉得... 给Citrus Ventures公司作报告,这对于Anna来说是一个巨大的挑战。关注我们下期节目,来看看究竟发生了什么是。 我得到了一份好工作,但很耗费我的青春。我最好现在开始干活,不然我整晚都要加班了。