Good afternoon. Hi, good afternoon. Anna, Tom, Room 301 please. Now. Welcome back to Tip Top Trading, where things are a teeny bit tense today. Paul has called Tom and Anna into Room 301, the place where difficult conversations happen. Perhaps Paul has found out about yesterday's unhappy clients. Oh dear. You should be okay Anna. After the way you coped with Mr Lime, you should be praised. Really? What do you think Paul will say? Well, if he is pleased, he'll say things like. Well done. You handled it well. Great job. I'm really impressed. And if he's not? Well, I suppose, oop. Here's Paul now. Well, Tom, Anna, yesterday was not a great day. Two clients came in with serious complaints. Mrs Kumquat received a delivery of imitation bananas that were purple, not very convincing. 下午好。 下午好。 Anna,Tom,301房,现在。 欢迎回到Tip Top Trading,今天的事情稍微有一点紧张。Paul叫Tom和Anna进入房间301,这里通常讨论一些比较困难的问题。也许Paul找到了昨天不太高兴的客户。 我的天啊。 你会没事的Anna,当你跟应付完Mr Lime之后,你会被表扬的。 真的?你觉得Paul会说什么? 如果他高兴,他会说,做得很好。你处理得很好。干得好。我印象很深刻。 如果他不高兴呢? 我想...Paul来了 Tom,Anna,昨天并不是好的一天。两个客户对我们都有很严重的抱怨。Kumquat太太收到了一份紫色的香蕉纺织品,这使人无法相信。