Shhhh. Hello? Ah, good afternoon Mr Socrates, I mean, er, morning, ha ha, where you are it's, yes, no, n-yes. I'm not sure. Mrs Kumquat, did she? Well, it was very unfortunate. purple, yes, purple, totally unacceptable, I will. If you'd like I could. Mr Socrates? Hello? Mr Socrates? Oh, he's gone. Right where was I? Tom, great work. Anna, I'm disappointed. No, no, Anna, great work, I want you to take charge of the Imperial Lemon presentation. Tom, if you speak to a client like that again there will be disciplinary action. Mrs Kumquat was so angry she even emailed Mr Socrates. OK, that's it. Phew. What a relief for Anna. Let's listen again to some of the phrases Paul used to praise her. Well done. You were in a difficult situation and you handled it well. So, great job. I'm really impressed. He also explained why he thought Anna had done a good job. You remained calm, friendly and professional. Excellent work Anna. But Tom's mistakes have given everyone a lot of work to do tomorrow. First thing tomorrow we need to sort this mess out. Tom, I want you to phone every single client and check the orders. Anna, you can go to the warehouse and find out what's going on in there. 嘘嘘嘘,你好? Scorates太太下午好,我的意思是,早上好,你在哪里,是,不是...我不确定,Kumquat太太,是吧?这真的很不幸运,紫色,好的,紫色,总的来说不能接受,如果你要我做的话,Scorates太太?Scorates太太,他走了。 Tom,做得好,Anna,我很失望。不是,Anna,做的很好,我想你负责Imperial Lemon的演讲。Tom,如果你跟你的客户还是这样说的话,你要有自制力。Kumquat太太非常生气,甚至她还写电子邮件给Scorates太太,就是这样了。 对Anna来说这是一个安慰,让我们来听听看Paul是怎么赞扬她的吧。 做的很好。 你处于一个很艰难的情境,但你处理得很好。 做得很好,我印象很深刻。 他也解释为什么他觉得Anna做得很好。 你很冷静,友好和专业性。 Anna做得很棒,但Tom的错误导致每个人明天很多事情要做。 首先,明天我们要把这个脏乱的局面先结局。Tom,我要你给每个客户打电话,检查清楚产品的顺序。Anna,你去仓库看看,到底发生了什么事。