Come in. Hello, I'm Paul, the Manager of Tip Top Trading. And you must be. It's Anna. Yes, very good. Thanks for coming. Now somewhere in this pile, I've got your CV. Err, is that it there? Oh yes, thanks Hannah. Your qualifications look impressive but I was wondering what sales experience can you bring to our company? I worked in a shop once. Ohhh Anna, sell yourself. Give a good example. Oh right. Mmm, well a good example that comes to mind is when I was involved with a campaign to promote and sell a new range of clothes. I loved doing it and it was. Oh sorry, excuse me, here's your tea Paul. Thanks Denise. Now Anna, it looks like you've achieved a lot during your time at university. Could you give me an example of good team working during your time there? Sorry, I forgot the sugar. Thank you Denise. Hmm, so you want an example? I was the treasurer of the debating society at university. That was OK I suppose. Come on Anna. Be more enthusiastic. The debating society is exciting. I mean, I'm particularly proud of how I organised the finances for the debating society. We had a very small budget and I had to make decisions on what to buy. I like it. "I'm particularly proud of." Positive but not boasting. You're doing well. Very impressive, so you're a good planner Anna. 请进, 你好, 我是paul,Tip-Top Trading的经理, 你一定就是。。。 我是Anna, 对对, 很好, 谢谢你的到来, 你的简历好像在这堆的某处。 额,在那的那个是不是? 哦正是, 谢谢。你的经历令人印象深刻,你能谈谈你有什么销售经验能应用到我们公司么? 哦,可以, 我曾经在一家小店工作。 哦 Anna, 营销自己, 给他一个好例子。 好吧, 我现在能想起来的比较不错的案例是 我曾经策划过应季新装的促销推广活动, 我非常乐意做这样的事情,而且当时。。 (敲门 Denise进门)哦 抱歉打扰了, Paul, 你的茶。 谢谢Denise, 好吧,Anna, 好像你在大学的时候就做过很多类似的销售,那你能给我说一个你在那里时候的团队合作的事情么? (敲门 Denise 再进来)抱歉,我忘了给你塘。 谢谢 denise。 牳,你想让我举例子,我曾经使我们大学辩论社团的会计,我觉得这是一个不错的例子。 哎呀,Anna, 你得有激情点,辩论社团是令人激动的。 我的意思是, 我对我曾经管理辩论社团的财务感到非常荣幸, 我们有一点小小的预算经费,然后我有权决策去买些什么。 我喜欢你用“我非常荣幸。。。。” 很正面但又不觉得吹嘘,你做的不错。 很吸引人, 这么说Annani是一个很好的策划者。