We like organised people here, ooops, silly me. I seemed to have spilt tea over your CV. Oh, do you need some help? Oh no. I'm sure it'll dry out. Carry on please. Also, timekeeping is important to me. "Timekeeping is important to me." That's good. I always try to complete my work on time. At university I never handed my assignments in late. That's good to hear. We like punctuality here. Excuse me Paul. Sorry it's a bit late, but I thought you might like a biscuit with your tea. Hmm thanks. Oh lovely, custard creams, mmm. Now Hannah, finally I wanted to ask you what exactly made you apply for this job at this company? Errrr, ooo, well. The reason I applied is. Yes, yes, yes Anna? Do you need a bit more time to think? Errr, mmm. What's she going to say? How would you answer that? Join us next time to find out. Before we go, here's a reminder of some of the great lines Anna's used today. A good example that comes to mind. I'm particularly proud of. Timekeeping is important to me. Until next time, bye bye. 我们很喜欢有条理的人,我真的很糊涂,我似乎把茶水泼到了你简历上。 哦,你需要一些帮助吗? 哦,不,我确信它不久就会干的,请继续。 我一向都很准时。 我一向都很准时。很好,我总是按时完成我的工作,在大学里,我从来不迟交我的作业。 那很好,我们很喜欢守时的人。 打扰一下,保罗。对不起,它有点迟了,但是我认为你可能需要点饼干来搭配你的茶水。 谢谢,多可爱的蛋挞呀。现在,汉娜,最后我想问你是什么使你想要应聘我们公司的这个职位? 我想要应聘的原因是 是的,是的,是的,安娜?你需要点时间来思考吗? 额,恩 她会说什么呢?你怎么样回答这个问题呢?下次加入我们来知道答案吧。在我们结束前,这是安娜今天所使用的好台词的提醒。 我想到了一个很好的例子。 让我感到自豪的是。 我一向很准时。 下次见,再见。