My husband has a good job. He makes enough money to support our family. So we say he brings home the bacon. He can cut the mustard, or do what is expected of him at work. It's easy to find my husband in a crowd. He stands almost 2 meters tall. He is a tall drink of water. I take the train to work. … 我的丈夫有一个好工作。他赚取足够的钱来养家。所以我们说他挣钱养家。他能做到最好,就是说他能在工作中达到别人对他的期望。在人群中很容易就能找到我的丈夫。他有几乎2米高。他鹤立鸡群。 我搭火车去上班。这并不是个舒服的交通工具,因为火车上可能挤满了人,挤到我们像沙丁鱼一样被装在罐头里。 我的工作主管有时会外出…