Also, you can monkey around when you feel like doing something, but have no firm idea of what to do. For example, you tell your friend you are going to spend the day monkeying around with your car. Well, you do not have any job or goal in mind. It is just a way to pass the time. Monkey business usu… 同样,当你感觉自己想做点事情,但是还没有确定做什么的时候,你可以瞎玩(monkey around)。例如,你告诉你的朋友,你准备花一天折腾你的汽车。好吧,你的脑海中没有任何任务或目标。这仅仅是一个打发时间的方法。 Monkey business通常指秘密的,有可能是非法的活动。一则新闻报道可能说,新机场建设中存在暗箱操作(monk…