It is surprising how many expressions that Americans use every day came from the card game of poker. For example, you hear the expression, ace in the hole, used by many people who would never think of going near a poker table. An ace in the hole is any argument, plan or thing kept hidden until neede… 来自扑克游戏的美国人日常用语多得让人惊讶。举个例子,你应该听过很多从未想过走近扑克桌的人说“最后一张王牌(ace in the hole)”。最后一张王牌是指一直不被知道,知道需要的时候才拿出来的理由、计划或想法,尤其是反败为胜的时候被使用。 扑克和多数牌类游戏中,黑桃是最高等最有价值的牌。这通常都是一张制胜牌。在…