The expression, dealing off the bottom, now means cheating in business, as well as in cards. And when someone tells you that the cards are stacked against you, he is saying you do not have a chance to succeed. In a poker game you do not want to let your opponents know if your cards are good or bad. … 短语 “dealing off the bottom(出老千、作弊)”,现在指的是在生意中的欺诈行为,也同样运用于纸牌游戏中。当有人告诉你说“the cards are stacked against you (牌对你不利)”,他其实是说你已经没有成功的机会了。 在纸牌游戏中,你不想让对手得知你手中的牌是好是坏。因此,“having a poker face(面无表情)”就很…