There are many American expressions about insects -- like bees, for example. Bees are known as very hard workers. They always appear to be busy, moving around in their homes, or hives. So you might say you were as busy as a bee if you spent your weekend cleaning your house. In fact, you might say y… 在美国有很多关于昆虫的表述,比方说蜜蜂。大家知道蜜蜂是一种非常勤劳的动物。他们总是非常繁忙,在蜂巢中忙来忙去。当周末在家大扫除时,你可能会说自己忙得团团转(as busy as a bee)。 事实上,如果全家人都在帮你打扫就可以说你家跟蜂窝一样气氛活跃。当你迅速出现在某地时,你也可以说你是直奔某物而去(make a beel…