Tom Smith is the best hitter on his company's baseball team. For weeks during the playing season, Tom hit a home run in every game the team played. But then suddenly he stopped hitting home runs. He could not hit the baseball at all. One day he struck out three times in one game. He said, "I'm a… 汤姆•史密斯是他公司棒球队里最厉害的击球员。在几个星期以来的赛季里,汤姆的棒球队参加的每次比赛,他都会打出全垒打。可是后来,他突然打不出全垒打,并且完全不能击中棒球了。 一天,他在一次比赛中三击不中出局。他说:“我想我无能为力了(I'm afraid I am losing it)。” 玛丽•琼斯在一家女士服装店买了一…