Most people enjoy working for several reasons. Their job might be fun, or they like their employer and the other people at work. Most people I know, however, work for the money. I do not know anyone who is loaded, or extremely rich. Most of my friends work to earn enough money to live. They have to … 大多数人热爱他们的工作不外乎以下几个原因。不是他们认为自己的工作很有趣,就是他们对老板很满意,亦或是同事非常友好。但是我所认识的大多数人仅仅为挣钱而工作。我不认识什么有钱人或是大富翁,大多数的朋友都是为生计而奔波。他们通常需要量入为出,努力去赚足够的钱来购买生活必需品。有些人的收入甚至只能勉强糊口,…