Pharmaceutical companies have done well today. Recently we've seen several periods of rapid expansion in this sector, only for it to be overtaken a short time later by the strong financial institutions. But I actually think the recent performances of pharmaceuticals companies has hidden a steep drop in the share prices of many other companies. All other sectors have lost considerable amounts, but this simply has not been reflected in the overall value of the market, because pharmaceuticals companies are keeping the value high. Looking next at the sectors whose troubles have been in the news recently, supermarkets, having suffered a downturn in business for over a year, at last have some reason for optimism. The leisure industry, which has suffered even more than supermarkets, is also showing signs of a turnaround. The same cannot be said of the building sector, though, which expects little relief for at least another six months. Charles. 就目前情况看,制药公司的发展势头还不错。金融机构的强力发展曾在短期内以压倒性地方式超越了制药公司的发展,但近来,我们也可以看出,制药公司已有了快速发展。但事实上,我却认为,与其他公司一样,制药公司近期的公司业绩背后隐藏着股票暴跌的危机。其他领域的公司或多或少都受到过该方面的损失,但由于制药公司利润的高昂,使得这种损失并没有体现在市场总价值上。 看下一个领域,这领域最近在新闻中也存在问题,超级市场领域,已经遭受大约一年的商业低迷时期,现在终于有一些乐观的理由。休闲产业,所遭受的损失比超级市场更加严重,现在也有好转的迹象。同样的事情在建筑领域没有发生,不过,至少在六个月之内不会得到缓解,查尔斯。