And our studio guest today is Giles Milton, Operation Director at the National Weather Centre. Giles, welcome. Thank you. Giles, firstly, most people will know the Centre provides weather reports for TV and radio stations, but they're not your only 'customers', are they? Not by any means. The Centre started out a 150 years ago, largely serving the shipping industry, but now it provides a whole range of services. We've been helping supermarkets for some time to predict when to buy more stocks of ice cream, for example, when a heat wave's approaching. Our forecasts for administrators of health authorities help them predict when flu outbreaks might occur. That's something we've only just got off the ground. And there's also our long-standing industrial advisory service for farmers, fishermen and airlines. A real industry, then. 今天我们演播室请来的嘉宾是在国家气象局的吉艾斯 弥尔顿运营总监。吉艾斯,欢迎来到这里。 万分荣幸。 吉艾斯,首先问一个问题,大多数人是从电视或者是收音机知道国家气象局播报天气预报,但是你们的顾客不仅仅是他们,对吗? 对,不仅仅是他们。气象局成立于150年前,那时主要服务于船舶行业,但是现在它提供了更加全面的服务。我们已为超市服务有一段时间了,比如说,帮他们预测什么时候热浪侵袭,应该买更多地冰淇淋。我们又帮助卫生当局的管理者知道流感什么时候可能会爆发。而这些仅仅使我们的开始。我们还为农民、渔民、和航空事业提供长期的咨询服务。 噢,这真是个产业。