It's a thought, but I'm not sure the Board will go for it. They're really keen to sell the Nottingham centre. That way they could cover their deficit and make the shareholders happy at the same time. It's an attractive solution. Even if they decide to sell, they're not likely to get very much for it, are they? Not at the moment. Property values are at an all time low. Can't we at least try to keep the Nottingham centre operational? Well, it's not going to be possible to keep it running as it is now, but your idea for making savings might work. Do you think you'd be able to get the centre to break even within say six months? But remember, there's no extra money for major promotions. I'd like to have the chance to try, Sophie. I think I can do it, with minimal promotions. Yes. Then let we have a written proposal in time for next week's Board meeting, will you? 这是一个想法,但是我不确定董事会会认同它。他们正想要卖掉Nottinghan中心。用那种方法他们就可以弥补财政赤字同时让股东们开心。这是一个很吸引人的解决方法。 即使他们决定要卖掉它,他们也很可能并不能够得到很多不是吗?资产价值不会一直都很低迷。难道我们就不能至少尝试着去继续Nottinghan中心的项目? 没有可能去运行它就像现在这样,但是你的节约开支的想法也许会奏效。你认为你可能让中心结束在 比如说六个月之内?但是记住,除了主要的计划外没有额外的钱。 我想要尝试的机会,索菲。我想我可以做到,在几个计划内,是的。 那让我们在下周的董事会里提交书面计划好吗?