We were having problems with the company we normally use so we looked at a number of other companies and decided to give this one a try. They're just new in the business and we were impressed as they promised they would deliver the goods we wanted within two days and they did. We had to pay more than we would have liked but the results were worth it. Since then, I've told a lot of other people about them. Apparently they're an established company in Scotland with an excellent reputation, but I didn't know that at the time. I found them through the Internet. I was just browsing through the list of suppliers one day and I noticed their name. I looked them up and found that they had this fantastic discount available that particular month. We ordered various things and the quality was so good we've continued using them. We like to try out different suppliers to make sure we're always getting the best deal. This particular company was running a big publicity campaign. I'd seen the ads on TV and they really put me off. I just couldn't see the appeal. But then someone I met at a training day told me we should use them. His company had used their service for years with no complaints so we followed his advice. 我们与以前合作的公司存在一些问题,所以我们找了很多公司,决定让其中一家试试看。虽然他们只是一家新公司,但我们对这公司印象深刻是因为他们成为将在我们需要产品的两天之内送货,他们遵守了之前的承诺,虽然我们支付的金额超过了我们的理想金额,但是值得。从那时起,我告诉很多人这家公司。 显然,他们是一间在苏格兰建立,拥有非常好声誉的公司,但是我当时并不知道。我是通过互联网找到他们的。我只是某天通过供应商的名单浏览并注意到他们的名字。我调查他们并得知他们在特殊的月份可以提供难以置信的折扣。我们订购了很多东西而且质量很好,因此我们继续使用他们的商品。 我喜欢尝试不同的供应商来确保我们能够得到最好的交易。这间特别的公司正进行一个很大的宣传活动。我在电视上看到广告而且我确实注意到他们。我只是没被他们的广告吸引。但是之后我在培训期间遇到的某人,他告诉我应该与他们合作,他们已经为他的公司服务多年,且没有投诉,因此我们应该听从他的建议。