Some people tell you that what a dissatisfied customer really wants is to have the opportunity to spend his money again. You may have to resort to this, a refund or perhaps some form of credit. However, this may lose a customer and will certainly lose that particular deal. Try a bit of persuasion, remind your customer why he chose your product in the first place, give him a new one and save him the trouble of making further decisions. It's often the case that a complaint about faulty equipment really means the customer is doing something wrong. Of course, considerable tact is called for when this happens, don't make them feel foolish. What they need is some guidance, and they should be provided without further cost. Make sure any damage done has been put right, and then set up the familiarization session. Problem solved. Customer happy, equipment saved from any more misuse. 有些人告诉你对你服务或者产品不满意的客户,就是想把他们的钱再花一次。你需要求助于退款或者一些形式的信贷。然而,这可能会损失一个客户而且将会损失这笔生意。你可以尝试去说服客户,提醒你的客户为什么一开始会选择你的产品,给他换一个新的产品并使他以后不用为了解决这个问题而烦恼。 经常会有关于仪器损坏的投诉,实际上是顾客操作有误。当然,当这种事情发生时,需要机智的应对,不要让顾客觉得自己很愚蠢。他们需要的是一些指引,而且这不需要收取额外的费用。确保仪器能正常使用,然后让客户熟悉程序。问题解决了,客户高兴了,避免了仪器进一步错误使用。