Well, what we covered was all really important stuff, some of which was mainly common sense. And I'll certainly be trying out the ideas I picked up. The trouble was, I know the speaker's someone quite well known. He's even had a book in the best-seller list, but his style wasn't exactly entertaining. I noticed that a few of the other participants looked rather fed up, too. I was just glad that it was only a half-day event. I usually enjoy seminars. It's a chance to get away from the office, and there's the opportunity to share experiences. I know these events aren't cheap, especially when the speaker's somebody well known. At this particular seminar I went to, the speaker was unknown so I was unsure how good it would be, but I found it really useful. It gave me new ideas on selling techniques, which I've already started using with some success. So I'd say it was well worth the fee. 我们所涵盖的内容都是很重要的东西,其中一些是主要的常识。我尝试我所学会的只是。问题是,我知道演讲者是非常有名气的,他甚至有一本书在畅销书名单中,但他的风格不是特别有趣。我也注意到许多参加者看起来很厌倦。我高兴的是还好这只是半天的会议。 我通常很享受研讨会这是一个离开办公室的好机会,而且是一个分享经验的机会。我知道这些机会并不便宜,尤其是当演讲者是知名人士时。这次我参加的研讨会,演讲者不是特别知名,因此我不确定这次研讨会有多好,但我发现它很实用,它给了我关于销售技巧的新想法,我已经开始使用,并且获得一定的成功。所以我说这次研讨会非常值回票价。