It's Marcia Lazenby, Accounts Department at Autobins. We've received a bill from you for goods delivered last month, but the prices don't seem to correspond with what you quoted or even with those in the catalogue. Could you check? It seems some adjustment may be necessary. Please get back to me as soon as possible. We've received the advance publicity about your new multi-function photocopier. We're Brown's at Castleworth, by the way. We're impressed and very interested. We'd need to have the price list of course, and is there any possibility of renting? But most important, please let us know when you'll be in our area, and able to show us it in action. I'm calling from Johnson's about the work stations we've asked you to supply. We've been reconsidering the office layout, largely on the basis of your advice, I might add, and we now think we should go for two more of the smaller units type A in place of one of the larger type C models. Please let us know what difference this will make to the overall cost.