I'm the company's recruitment specialist, and we've moved heavily into using the Internet. It's virtually eliminated the sorts of applications that don't stand a chance. We have an online application system that works well, because it elicits the vital information at the outset. For instance, there might be something like "Do you have hands-on experience of the latest technologies in this field?" People who can't give the answers are immediately advised not to continue with their application. It's astonishing that, while nearly all British businesses use the Internet in one way or another, most of them just use their websites as shop windows for advertising jobs, then expect people to send in paper-based applications. They're simply not using the technology to its best advantage. There are so many refinements that the Internet makes possible, so every recruitment officer ought to be looking at making optimal use of it and cutting out as much paper as they can. 我是公司的招聘专家,我们也利用互联网进行招聘,这样可以去除一些没用的申请。我们有一个运作良好的在线应聘系统,因为它能在最初的时候筛选一些重要的信息。例如,像“你曾经在这个领域拥有最新技术的经验吗?”等等,那些不能立即给出答案的人会建议不要继续提交他们的应聘申请。 令人吃惊的是,几乎英国所有的企业都用网络进行一些事务处理,他们中的大多数人只是将网站作为店铺的橱窗来刊登招聘广告,然后期望人们给他们发招聘简历。他们不只将技术作为自己的优势。互联网可以使很多事情变为可能,因此每一次招聘人员都应该很好地利用网络资源和尽量地节省纸张。