I was actually quite happy where I was, but when the opportunity came along to work for Tindall's, I thought, I can't say no, can I? Of course, the extra I'm earning now goes on travel to work, but I still reckon it was a good move, because if I decide to change jobs in the future, I'll only have to say I work for them, and any other company in this field will be glad to take me on. I was looking to move into a managerial role, and applied for jobs all over the country, as I was prepared to live anywhere. To my surprise, got two offers, both from pretty well-known companies. There was very little to choose between them, but my working environment is very important to me, and this place had just been completed. The salary wasn't quite so good, but I felt that the benefits outweighed the disadvantages, so I came here. On the whole I was happy where I was, working in a new, very well-designed building, nice colleagues, and the company provided plenty of training. But I was stuck behind a desk all day. Then I saw the ad for my present job, similar field of work, just a different way of doing it, and decided to apply. Now I'm on the road most of the time, meeting people, and I get to go abroad as well, which is great. 实际上我非常高兴我在这里,但是有去Tindall工作的机会时,我不可能说不,是吧?当然,出差旅行的时候,我现在可以得到额外的收入,但是我认为跳槽是个不错的选件,因为我决定将来会换工作,我只能说我为Tindall工作过,而且这个领域的其他公司也会很高兴能雇佣到我。 我一直在希望能成为管理者,我在全国各地都有申请工作,因为我已经做好随处漂泊的准备。令我吃惊的是,我得到了两个机会,都是来自非常知名的公司。在他们之间取舍真的很困难但是对喔来说工作环境是非常重要的,所以这个地方非常适合我。虽然薪水不是特别高,但是我认为在这里工作好处多于坏处,所以我来这里工作了。 总体来说,我非常高兴能来到这间新的,有良好设计的公司来上班,而且同事非常友好,公司也提供很多培训的机会给我们。但令我惊讶的是,我需要整天坐在办公桌前工作。然后我看到了目前我这份工作的广告,相似的工作领域,只是不同的工作方式,所以我决定申请这份工作。现在我大多数的时间都花在路上,会见客户上,而且我也会到国外出差,这样的生活真的很棒。