But I was surprised to see that half the factory wasn't in use because several important customers had cancelled orders. I was reassured that orders are dispatched quickly, and delivery times are impressive, and distribution isn't a problem, but I'd need to inspect their products more closely to see if the quality's what we require. The second company looked promising too, because they are based in the region that produces the natural resources to make our components. Everything needed for their activities is available on their doorstep. They have a good working relationship with the local mine owners, who are known to have good safety records. During my visit, the company went into great detail about the quality inspections carried out on the material before it leaves the mines. This company seemed to have no problems with transport, until I looked more closely. The factory is in a very mountainous region, about 600 kilometres from the capital city. 但是我吃惊地看到因为几个重要的客户已经取消了订单,工厂的一半因此没有运作。我对订单的及时分配很放心,而且交货时间印象深刻,分销不是问题,但是我需要仔细检查他们的产品来确定质量是否符合我们的要求。 第二个公司看起来也很可靠,因为他们所在地区所生产的自然资源就是我们公司零件的组成部分。活动所需要的一切都能自给自足。而且她们与当地拥有良好安全记录的煤矿拥有者有良好的工作关系。在我拜访期间,该公司详细讲述了我们的材料在离开矿场之前所进行的质量检验。 一直到我更仔细观察,这个公司看起来没有运输问题。公司在多山地区,离首都大约600公里。