Passenger flights are fairly frequent, taking under two hours, but the journey by road can take days. The roads are really inadequate - the whole infrastructure needs massive investment. There is a seaport just over the border with the neighbouring country, which would certainly cut down on distance, but, as far as I can see, it might also bring other problems. We simply can't risk depending on such fragile communications. The third company I looked at, on the other hand, is on the coast, with good access to the main seaport. Transport and shipping of goods are well organised and, in fact, they own a haulage company as one of their subsidiaries. The production unit is new, built and equipped with the help of investment from the Ministry of Industry. What's more, company workers are involved in decision-making, and industrial relations are excellent. Perfect so far. Unfortunately, though, their finished products are not of the quality we demand. The specifications are right for our components, so no modifications in design would be necessary. But when I did a quick inspection, I found a higher percentage of faults than we'd be prepared to tolerate. If we chose them, we'd certainly have to negotiate longer warranties than those they're offering at present. 客运航班相当频繁,2小时之内即可到达,但如果是陆运就要花费很多天了。公路真的有很多不足之处,整个基础设施需要巨大投资。在邻国的边境上有一个海港,海运确实能缩短距离,但是依我来看,这同时也会带来其他的问题。我们不能单纯依靠如此脆弱而危险的运输方式。 我拜访的第三个公司在海岸边,非常接近主要海港。货物的运输和船运组织也很完善,而且,他们拥有一个运输公司作为他们的分公司之一。生产装置也是新的,在工业部的协助下建立起来并装备。工人参与工厂的决策,而且和公司关系很好,到目前为止印象都很好。 虽然如此,然而遗憾的是,他们完成的产品质量并不符合我们的要求。不见的规则是正确的,所以没有必要修改设计。但当我快速检查时,我发现产品超过我们所能容忍范围的高损耗率。如果我们选择这个公司,我们就一定要协商比它们目前提供的更长的保修期。