The big clothing retailer Sangra is currently in the news, and here to talk about its difficulties is retail analyst John Sergeant. Hello. John, why have Sangra's sales fallen so much? Well, they've started using top designers, but it takes too long to get the designs from the drawing board into the shops. Sangra haven't realised that fashion trends are moving faster than ever, and they need to react much more quickly. As a result, they aren't attracting younger shoppers. It really makes little difference who designs their clothes or what the stores look like if people don't feel like going in. They've been very short-sighted, haven't they? That's right. Sangra's strength is in the middle market, but shoppers now want either expensive designer labels or low prices. At the same time, other stores have started to compete for the same customers, but are offering lower prices. 成功的服装零售商Sangra最近在新闻中出现,来这里谈论其艰难历程的是他的零售分析师John Sergean 你好 约翰,为什么Sangra的销售下滑的如此严重? 他们已经开始启用最顶级的设计师,但是把设计理念从画板运用到店面中花费太长的时间。Sangra没有认识到时尚趋势比以前运行的更快,他们需要更加快速的反应。结果他们没有吸引到年轻的消费者。如果人们不想进这个店,那么由谁来设计他们的服装或者店面看起来怎么样确实没什么差别。 他们是不是目光短浅呢? 是的。Sangra的长处在于中级市场,但是消费者要么是顶级设计师的水平要么希望价格低廉。同时,其它商店已经开始用低价位抢占我们的客户群。