I've had my own company for several years, but what I'm now on track for is heading up a much bigger operation, getting to board level. I'm convinced I've got the self-motivation and the independence of mind to take difficult decisions. The challenges are more important than the money. Self-employment has taught me a lot, and now it's time to apply some of those lessons. I've got valuable insights to offer. You know, you work hard, get all sorts of qualifications, try to be the best in your field, and then what? Well, I've done all that, and now I'm interested in the new generation of men and women coming into business. I remember I need plenty of encouragement and guidance along the way, and I believe that with my experience I can steer youngsters in the right direction to achieve what they want. That's my priority for the future. 自我建立公司以来已经好几年了,但是我现在最想做的事就是来一次较大的改革,提升到另一个水准。我意识到我有自强不息的斗志和独立意识来作出一些很难的决策。挑战往往比挣钱更重要。独立经营已经教会我太多了,而现在是将这些教训转化为更用的东西。我可以提供有价值的见解。 你自己也知道,你努力地工作,获得所有的资格,试图在你的领域成为做好的一个,但是接下来呢?我也早已这样做了,但是我现在对于新一代男人女人进入商界该兴趣了。我记得当时我在这条路上需要的是更多地鼓励和引导,并且,我相信,根据我的经验,我可以引导这年轻的一代在正确的道路上,从而得到他们所想要的。这就是我未来首要做的事。